On our website you can book villas with pool and apartments in a farmhouse with pool in Central Italy.
Select dates and search for available accommodations, or search for accommodations by region.
Once you get the results you can also filter them based on the features of the accommodation: guests number, type, bedrooms, bathrooms, WI-FI, TV, pets allowed, air conditioning and wheelchair friendly.
Click on the picture to view the accommodation page in detail. In each page you will find useful information: photos, video, description, facilities, location, reviews and availability calendar.
In the “RENTAL POLICIES” section of the accommodation page you can find further details on the rental of the chosen accommodation.
Click on the “CHECK AVAILABILITY” button to access to the availability calendar of the accommodation.
Select dates and check the weekly rental price of the accommodation.
Click on the “Book” button to proceed with your booking request.
You will be redirected to our online booking process.
Enter any additional services, the number of guests (adults and children) and your personal data.
Read and accept the general rental terms and conditions.
Online booking is available in some accommodations and for these ones you can choose the payment method between credit card or bank transfer.
If you choose to pay by credit card, you will be redirect to the secure site of the payment system. You will be asked to enter your credit card details, paying at the time of booking the required deposit.
Otherwise, if you choose to pay by bank transfer you will receive an e-mail with an option with the bank details to make the payment of the required deposit.
Click on the “Book” button to end the booking process.
In some accommodations bookings are upon request. In this case we will check the availability of the requested period and if the accommodation is available we will send you an option to book the accommodation, valid for 2 days.
Click on the “Send request” button to end the booking process.
Within a few hours we will send you an e-mail with a summary of your reservation request and the necessary documentation (copy of an identity document, personal data of the guests and copy of the payment made by bank transfer) that you will have to send us to complete the booking process.
Upon receipt of all the required documentation, we will send you a voucher containing information about the accommodation, which is the document confirming your booking.
If you need further information about the accommodation or for any special request you can contact us by clicking on the “Contact us” button. Fill out the form by entering your details and your message and send your enquiry to our booking department. We will reply as soon as possible.
You can also contact us by e-mail, phone, Skype and WhatsApp, please see the section “CONTACTS“.